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Ieneke van Houten revives my lost interest in blue-green algae, Cell-Tech, and scam artists
Hello, readers. Meet Ieneke van Houten:

Ieneke just responded to my blog from May 23rd, 2006 about Cell Tech
Feel free to read through the entire exciting saga of how I disarmed Dr. Taylor in front of a large audience of potential customers. Feel free to read Ieneke van Houten's response to my post, and my response to hers.
There are just a few things that I want to highlight in a new post about all of this. The value of research is so very important. In about 20 minutes I learned Ieneke van Houten's real name, found her websites, found her e-commerce sites, found the connection between Simplexity Health and Cell Tech, and a variety of other things. Be skeptical of everything, particularly that which sounds the most beneficial, and particularly if it has nearly magical healing powers. In the case of both Cell Tech and its new iteration Simplexity Health, the products are not approved by the FDA. Additionally, no one to this day has been able to explain away the lawsuits against Cell Tech and the ban of its products nor the death of a child that used the product to me.
Nearly two years later this falls back in my lap, which I find interesting. I wonder, "who is Ieneke? and why would she comment on my blog with a link to her site?" - http://wildwholefoods.net/
I can only gather that one of the following is true: A) she was threatened by the idea that her belief in the product that she claims to use and distribute is based on lies and is possibly dangerous, or B) she knows full well that the product isn't all that it is advertised to be an is only interested in making money off of it and creating doubt to viewers that come to my blog when googling "blue-green algae" or "Cell Tech".
Either way, there is an unethical connection on her personal website endorsing a product that she says "saved her life" which is followed by a link to her own e-commerce site. In the interest of disclosure, she ought to have shared the conflict of interest between her claim of being saved by the product and being a distributor of the product.
Well, reader, I have a suggestion for you. Be skeptical, and don't buy any of that crap.

Ieneke just responded to my blog from May 23rd, 2006 about Cell Tech
Feel free to read through the entire exciting saga of how I disarmed Dr. Taylor in front of a large audience of potential customers. Feel free to read Ieneke van Houten's response to my post, and my response to hers.
There are just a few things that I want to highlight in a new post about all of this. The value of research is so very important. In about 20 minutes I learned Ieneke van Houten's real name, found her websites, found her e-commerce sites, found the connection between Simplexity Health and Cell Tech, and a variety of other things. Be skeptical of everything, particularly that which sounds the most beneficial, and particularly if it has nearly magical healing powers. In the case of both Cell Tech and its new iteration Simplexity Health, the products are not approved by the FDA. Additionally, no one to this day has been able to explain away the lawsuits against Cell Tech and the ban of its products nor the death of a child that used the product to me.
Nearly two years later this falls back in my lap, which I find interesting. I wonder, "who is Ieneke? and why would she comment on my blog with a link to her site?" - http://wildwholefoods.net/
I can only gather that one of the following is true: A) she was threatened by the idea that her belief in the product that she claims to use and distribute is based on lies and is possibly dangerous, or B) she knows full well that the product isn't all that it is advertised to be an is only interested in making money off of it and creating doubt to viewers that come to my blog when googling "blue-green algae" or "Cell Tech".
Either way, there is an unethical connection on her personal website endorsing a product that she says "saved her life" which is followed by a link to her own e-commerce site. In the interest of disclosure, she ought to have shared the conflict of interest between her claim of being saved by the product and being a distributor of the product.
Well, reader, I have a suggestion for you. Be skeptical, and don't buy any of that crap.
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