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Another birthday in the books...
I've been busy, hopefully will be posting more stuff here soon.
I've been busy, hopefully will be posting more stuff here soon.
Sunday, March 29, 2009(Best viewed in Internet Explorer)
Another birthday in the books...
I've been busy, hopefully will be posting more stuff here soon. Wednesday, March 18, 2009(Best viewed in Internet Explorer)
post-script to nothing
Maybe trying to become a "whole person" isn't worth the effort. I've felt better in my isolation than I have in a long time. Anti-capitalists complain about the system being rigged to force everyone into the bondage of work. Anti-socialists complain that the state has too much control over how we work. Labor is the word of the day, but it doesn't matter really where you side - people are made to work. Voltaire got it right in Candide.
I could lament my aloneness, my lack of having a girlfriend or people to hang out with. I could lament a lot of things, but when it comes down to it - I want so little from others... I'm assuming this is why I'm bad at that whole "love thing" and why so few feel that they actually know me. I think that if I felt sad I'd be more inspired to write. As it is, I'm very busy doing things that I like. I wonder how long that can sustain me. Friday, March 13, 2009(Best viewed in Internet Explorer)
eye of the night
blinking terrible flitters 'til morning catches on fire with heavy suns streaking swaths of dew eye of the night drinking tremble shudders 'til morning scratches o'er coals smoldering embers flaking glowing brew I of the night sinking parable flutters away bright and domineering resplendently commanding the scene Wednesday, March 04, 2009(Best viewed in Internet Explorer)
The Procession of Simulacra: case study
Björk's Bachelorette video
Simulacra: copies without an original. How strange that this video is advanced by: 1) A book that somehow writes itself 2) A simulations of the events in the book 3) Simulations of the simulation of the events of the book Each time strikingly similar, yet distant and uncanny. A perfect picture of the procession of simulacra. |