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Election Day
Voting is not a revolutionary act. Don't ever expect that voting will lead to revolutionary changes in policy. Given that, tomorrow has the potential of radically changing the face of American politics.
Barack Obama has a much more progressive political view on the following issues than George W. Bush and John McCain:
Human Rights/Civil Rights including torture
Improving Public Schools without privatizing them
College Education funding
Health Care with universal coverage
Environmental protection
Energy policy and conservation
Tax policy
Economic recovery packages
The differences couldn't be more extreme. Tomorrow could determine whether I can go back to college, whether my house will likely be sellable in the near future, whether I can go to other countries without having to worry about getting targeted because I'm an American, whether our country moves significantly toward energy independence and away from foreign oil, and whether the economy recovers or if we fall further down the path of the largest growth of the division between rich and poor in the history of the United States.
Here is to hoping for an election that isn't fixed, rigged, or grossly disenfranchizes people for other reasons. If the people vote, we will get change.
Barack Obama has a much more progressive political view on the following issues than George W. Bush and John McCain:
Human Rights/Civil Rights including torture
Improving Public Schools without privatizing them
College Education funding
Health Care with universal coverage
Environmental protection
Energy policy and conservation
Tax policy
Economic recovery packages
The differences couldn't be more extreme. Tomorrow could determine whether I can go back to college, whether my house will likely be sellable in the near future, whether I can go to other countries without having to worry about getting targeted because I'm an American, whether our country moves significantly toward energy independence and away from foreign oil, and whether the economy recovers or if we fall further down the path of the largest growth of the division between rich and poor in the history of the United States.
Here is to hoping for an election that isn't fixed, rigged, or grossly disenfranchizes people for other reasons. If the people vote, we will get change.
Amen, brother.
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