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Tragic Beauty
I wore beauty on my sleeve,
her name was Alice - no - Avalon
She has a way of making you
forget. I dressed up Sunday feeling
Friday and by Wednesday I thought it
Monday. I don't remember
what happened but it felt like
hearing the sounds of words as music
texturing the walls of Athens
with wind, song, sorrows, or arrows.
What poem are you today,
if I may ask?
Beauty is the strangest illusion
exploited by the Greek spirit.
Tragedy: Dionysus and Apollo united. In-
toxicating horror wrapped in salacious
textures making metaphors out of manacles
cast on us by oracles. Holding onto hope
however we can until untimely ripped from
the wombs of our souls and our eyelessness
still does not guard us from our fates:
never to be protected.
but the tragic moment is so important
time slows down in vivid color rhythmic
breath and perspiration scintillating
constellations in meditative recoil
Dionysus burning
while Apollo drunk
lost track of time
covers his eyes
from the sun.
Arrested imagery sweltering
just above sleeves tattered
with forgotten names of,
well, you know who you are.
her name was Alice - no - Avalon
She has a way of making you
forget. I dressed up Sunday feeling
Friday and by Wednesday I thought it
Monday. I don't remember
what happened but it felt like
hearing the sounds of words as music
texturing the walls of Athens
with wind, song, sorrows, or arrows.
What poem are you today,
if I may ask?
Beauty is the strangest illusion
exploited by the Greek spirit.
Tragedy: Dionysus and Apollo united. In-
toxicating horror wrapped in salacious
textures making metaphors out of manacles
cast on us by oracles. Holding onto hope
however we can until untimely ripped from
the wombs of our souls and our eyelessness
still does not guard us from our fates:
never to be protected.
Dionysus burning
lost track of time
from the sun.
Arrested imagery sweltering
just above sleeves tattered
with forgotten names of,
well, you know who you are.
Hi, I really enjoyed reading your blog and was wondering if you would like to add it to my directory?
Thanks, Shelly
I'm glad you're back to writing. I haven't written in a while, it's hard sometimes. I think I can't write without pain. Meh. Anyway.
That's quite an original poem, I'll come back later to read more. =)
I was about to say the same thing shelly said.
Would you please look at my literary blog? I'd love to get comments from a fellow writer.
I'm not quite a good poet, but I loved the emotions this poem evoked. The imagery is beautiful.
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